退役军事工作犬Vivi在过去的两年里一直在享受着她的晚年生活,直到三个月前它患上了癌症。但她的收养者韦恩 吴 (Wayne Goh)先生和达里安 吴 (Darilyn Goh)夫人从未放弃过她,给予悉心照料从而使她恢复了健康。
As part of the Military Working Dog Unit (MWDU)’s annual adoption drive, 13 retired dogs are looking for loving new homes after their stalwart service to the nation. PIONEER takes a sneak peek at some of the four-legged soldiers up for adoption this year.
Is it all work and no play for the SAF's canine soldiers? What happens to the dogs when they retire? NSFs from the Military Working Dog Unit (MWDU) answer these and more!
Dog handler Corporal First Class (CFC) Oliver Yeo hopes that a suitable family can give his retired canine companion a forever home. Meet Jack, one of the veterans up for adoption in the Military Working Dog Unit's annual adoption drive.