Cyberspace is the new fifth domain of warfare and the Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) is pulling all stops to boost its cyber defence capabilities.
This fourth Service will focus on building cyber capabilities and defend Singapore from evolving and increasingly complex threats in the digital domain.
MAJ Jayaram Venugobalan Naidu and Kasturibai Athmaram went from schoolmates to soulmates after a chance posting to the same unit reconnected the two.
From a military dog trainer to a physiotherapist deployed on-site with soldiers, these are DXOs who make a difference in the SAF.
Tennis, swimming, track and field — Ms Alexandria Wong has been a sports enthusiast since she was a young girl.
Seven years ago, Mr Muhammad Hanif Bin Khairuddin started his National Service (NS) as a training clerk at the Island Defence Training Centre, holding the rank of Private.
She started working right after completing her O-levels in 2000. Her job then was as Human Resources (HR) support staff in the Air Force.