30jul20-photo1 https://www.defencepioneer.sg/images/default-source/articles/community/2020/30-jul-20/30jul20-photo1.jpg?sfvrsn=8597552c_3 https://www.defencepioneer.sg/pioneer-articles/what-to-expect-in-this-year-s-ndp-evening-show
30 Jul 2020 | COMMUNITY


//Story by GABRIEL LEE //Photos by TIMOTHY SIM

NDP 2020 performers and members of the Executive Committee have been hard at work putting together this year's NDP Evening Show.

For one, this year's NDP show will be held indoors – at The Star Performing Arts Centre – for the first time since Singapore's first NDP in 1966, one year after independence. Past editions have been held at either the Padang or The Float @ Marina Bay.

Less is more

Departing from the format of previous NDP Shows which involved thousands of performers, this year's NDP show segment will see just 87 performers.

Instead of the usual mass displays, the show will feature more intimate performances, special choreography and effects which have been designed to translate best on-screen to enhance the experience for Singaporeans watching from home.

One of the 87 performers is local singer-songwriter Nathan Hartono, a familiar face from past NDPs. He will be belting out this year's NDP theme song, "Everything I Am" at this year's show.

Singer-songwriter Nathan Hartono rehearsing for his performance at the NDP 2020 Evening Show.

He said, "I have always loved to be a part of the NDP, but seeing NDP2020 being put together under such unusual circumstances is truly a sight to behold."

"In the past we used to have mass displays for NDP, but as the NDP Evening Show this year is catered to home audiences and the camera angles used would be more tailored to the individual. For example, (we will be using) more close-up shots," said Creative Director and local filmmaker Royston Tan.

This year's show will be tailored for the home audience and feature short films profiling Singaporeans, said Creative Director and filmmaker Royston Tan.
"We will also screen more films because this is the medium that home audiences are more familiar with." Mr Tan also added that the team spent many months finetuning the show after COVID-19 derailed their original plans.
Local singer-songwriter Charlie Lim will also be performing at this year's NDP Evening Show.

In place of live audience participation, Singaporeans can still look forward to participating in this year's Evening Show from home.

For example, netizens who submitted their videos for the NDP Virtual Choir can look out for their video clips on national television when it debuts on 9 Aug.

A self-professed fan of familiar NDP songs such as "Home"? There will be moments where you can sing along to much-loved National Day songs.

After the nation-wide Pledge Moment at 8.20 pm, the home audience can also join in the Light Up Moment. Turn on the lights on your mobile phones and wave from your home windows to join in the salute to front-line fighters, essential service workers, and community heroes. Fireworks from 10 sites across Singapore will then cap off the celebrations.

Capturing the stories of Singaporeans

The audience can also expect a series of short films showcasing 31 Singaporeans, These short films will be weaved in with performances by local artistes.

One individual featured in the film is Mr Johann Bin Annuar, who started the Computers Against COVID initiative as part of his non-profit organisation Engineering Good.

Under the initiative, his team collected, refurbished and donated over 2,800 devices to needy students who were undergoing Home-Based Learning.

Mr Annuar is one of the Singaporeans featured in the series of 31 short films showcasing Singaporean stories.

"I didn't expect to be featured in this year's NDP. My effort is just a small drop in the ocean compared to what the rest of Singapore is doing. My team and I are honoured to be part of something that is bigger than us," he said.

To help home audiences better enjoy the Evening Show and to navigate the Show's six Acts, a digital NDP Show guide will be released. The guide will provide synopses as well as song lyrics for the home audience to sing along.

A safe and meaningful experience

Another difference in this year's show is the significant reduction in the number of live spectators to ensure a safer experience. Around 150 representatives of society will attend the show.

To ensure that the Evening Show is carried out safely, the NDP 2020 Executive Committee has also put in place a slew of safety measures, including mandatory COVID-19 swab tests, strict cohorting and the wearing of masks for all rehearsals.

While participants are not required to wear masks during strenuous dance routines, the dance choreography has been reviewed to incorporate safe distancing in all performances.

"The choreography is so cleverly done, there is always a fixed distance between the performers and our performance timings are staggered," said performer Jacqueline Theresa Pereira.

Ms Pereira (left) and fellow performer Mr Shahrin Johry (right) striking a pose.

Said Chairman of the NDP Show Committee Colonel Wong Shi Ming: "While this year's Show might lack the grandeur and spectacle of an outdoor NDP, it also brings with it a new touch.

"It is a cozier, more intimate, but just as meaningful show."

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