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WHAT TO DO AT ARMY OPEN HOUSE 2022 https://www.defencepioneer.sg/pioneer-articles/what-to-do-at-army-open-house-2022
24 May 2022 | COMMUNITY


Here are the highlights not to miss when the Army Open House opens at the F1 Pit Building this weekend.
//Story by THRINA THAM //Photos by CHUA SOON LYE
AOH22 will be held at the F1 Pit Building from 28 to 30 May.

After a five-year hiatus, the Army Open House (AOH) 2022 will return to the F1 Pit Building this weekend and head to two heartland locations thereafter.

For the first time in the event, visitors will have to apply for tickets, as part of efforts to reduce crowding and optimise the visitor experience at the open house.

The main exhibition will take place at the F1 Pit Building from 28 to 30 May, before heading to Punggol from 3 to 5 Jun and Bishan from 10 to 12 Jun.

For those who have already secured your tickets, here are some of exciting activities to catch:

The Red Lions are set to jump into the F1 pit as part of AOH.

Be thrilled by the Red Lions at Our Army Showcase

A crowd favourite, the Red Lions will return to AOH – conducting a free-fall jump from 5,000ft as part of the "Our Army Showcase" segment.

The Red Lions jump daily from 28 to 30 May at 10am and are followed by a Street Parade consisting of the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) Band and some Army vehicles.

Catch the Red Lions jumping at 10am daily at AOH at the F1 Pit Building.
For those who prefer to visit the open house at night, there will also be a daily night show at 7pm, including a pyrotechnics display, a military tattoo, and performances by So Drama! Entertainment.
Visitors to AOH will be able to form teams of five and take part in a laser-tag-like firefight.

Hone your sharpshooting skills in the Marksman zone

Try out Singapore's own SAR 21 rifle at the "Be A Marksman" firing range. The rifles are loaded with smart magazines for visitors to have a first-hand experience of shooting targets.

For those who enjoy laser tag, there's also a "battlefield" arena where visitors can take part in a five-on-five combat against other participating teams.

Participants can try out obstacles like the tyre field at the Soldier Strong Obstacle Course.

Unleash your inner ninja at the Soldier Strong Zone

At the Soldier Strong Obstacle Course, there are 11 stations for visitors to try out, including the Soldier Hoist, Swing Trainers and Spider Wall.

The obstacles have varying levels of difficulty, designed for adults to participate alongside their kids.

Visitors can also put their fitness to the test at the Soldier Strong Arena, and take part in challenges – like the push-up challenge – to stand a chance to win prizes.

Visitors enjoying a ride on board the Bionix as the Battle Rides zone.

Get on one of five Battle Rides

Experience what it's like to ride on board the SAF's military platforms. There are five rides to choose from, including land rides on the Terrex Infantry Carrier Vehicle, Bionix Infantry Fighting Vehicle and the Peacekeeper Protected Response Vehicle.

The M3G battle ride will take visitors down the waters of Marina Bay.

Visitors will also have a chance to fly on board the Chinook helicopter, or cruise down the waters of Marina Bay on an M3G military raft.

Remember to head down early during your timeslot to make your ride bookings on-site!

The NS55 Showcase features a display of uniforms from the SAF and Home Team over the years.

Chart the evolution of NS at the NS55 Showcase

Celebrate 55 years of National Service (NS) at this exhibition, which takes visitors through how NS has evolved throughout the years.

The interactive showcase, split into three zones, will feature augmented-reality elements and have hands-on activities from the SAF and the Home Team. There will also be a 4D show for visitors to experience the everyday operations of national servicemen.

The showcase ends with an appreciation zone, where visitors can pledge their support for NS.

At Our Army Platforms zone, visitors can get up close to Army platforms such as the Trailblazer (left) and Digitalised Trunk Communications System (right).

Get to know the Army's platforms and personnel

Get up close with 24 SAF assets and have a chat with the uniformed personnel who operate them, at the "Our Army Platforms" zone. Assets on display include the Hunter Armoured Fighting Vehicle, a fully digitalised platform and one of the newest in the Army's fleet.

It is next to the Leopard 2SG main battle tank, as well as other vehicles from the Combat, Combat Support and Combat Service Support divisions.

Meet two-year old sniffer dog Candy, from the Military Working Dog Unit at the Military Police booth.

Moving indoors, visitors will find the "Army Formations Zone" where they can find out more about various formations – from Infantry and Commandos to the Military Police and Medics.

The formation booths will feature interactive activities and games, where visitors will get to try out weapons and equipment used by the soldiers first-hand.

The Army Formations zone will feature engaging booths for visitors to find out more about Army personnel and their equipment.

Ticket allocation to AOH22 will be on a first-come-first-served basis and booking can be done at www.go.gov.sg/AOH22.

Can't make it down for the open house? Fret not, experience it via our 360 videos here:

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