DAD, YOU'RE LIKE…'re-like
DAD, YOU'RE LIKE…'re-like
12 Jun 2023 | COMMUNITY


Dads, fall in! Each father has his own unique approach to "dad duty" – which one is yours like?



1. The "EOD" dad

Like the Explosive Ordnance Disposal engineer, you've got a deft touch at diffusing tantrums (and changing dirty diapers). You've averted countless parenting crises with your calm demeanour and quick thinking – thank you for preventing our family from going nuclear!

2. The "MP" dad

We're a little intimidated by you sometimes – Like the Military Police, you tend to be a stickler for rules. But we love you all the same – thanks for always keeping things in order and providing us that sense of security!

3. The "Combat Medic" dad

Got a scratch or scraped knee? Never fear, this dedicated dad keeps a stash of band-aids ready. Thanks for giving comfort and care in times of our toughest battles!


4. The "Sonar Operator" dad

Like a submarine sonar operator, you may seem quiet but you keep a listening ear for trouble. You always know how we're feeling and offer the best advice when we need it!

5. The "Naval Engineer" dad

Just like how naval engineers keep their ships chugging along smoothly, you're the go-to guy when it comes to fixing things around the house. Whether it's mending a broken toy or repairing the bike, we know we can depend on you to fix any problem!

6. The "Fighter Pilot" dad

Like a military pilot, you've got the need for speed and you're always up for an adventure. We can also count on you to be our wingman in life – thanks for encouraging us to dream big and reach for the skies!

7. The "Air Traffic Controller" dad

You're calm, cool, and always in control even in the face of parenting turbulence, kinda like an air traffic controller. Thanks for being a multi-tasker who makes sure family activities are perfectly coordinated!

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