Finding their bearings amid choppy seas's-58th-birthday-at-the-padang's-58th-birthday-at-the-padang
10 Aug 2023 | COMMUNITY


NDP 2023 featured firsts like the Total Defence Parade and enhanced aerial display, as well as the inaugural appearance of the Digital and Intelligence Service.


The Padang was a sea of red and white on 9 Aug as Singapore saw its first full-scale National Day Parade (NDP) there since 2019.

A total of 27,000 spectators attended the celebrations, with many arriving early and in high spirits despite the hot weather.

Themed Onward As One, NDP 2023 featured firsts like the Total Defence Parade and an enhanced aerial display for the Republic of Singapore Air Force's 55th anniversary (RSAF55).

It also marked Madam Halimah Yacob's last parade as President.

The parade always invokes feelings of nostalgia, said Madam Halimah to the media. "NDP always touches something inside of us… There is a sense of purpose, unitedness as we celebrate our achievements."

Relive the highlights of NDP:
This year's NDP featured eight Red Lion parachutists making the display jump.

The fearless Red Lions kickstarted the celebrations at the Padang as they jumped from a height of 10,000 feet out of a C-130 aircraft.

The parachutists began their training in March in preparation for their NDP display jump.

A Red Lion parachutist on his way to the Padang centre stage, greeted by a loudly cheering crowd.
Many spectators arrived early and were in full spirits despite the hot weather.
The Parade & Ceremony segment marching onto the Padang show centre. This year's parade involved more than 1,700 participants in 34 marching contingents – of which 24 are from youth, social and economic groups.
The Regimental Colours contingent marching into position as part of the Parade & Ceremony segment.

The arrival of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and President Halimah Yacob was followed shortly by the state flag flypast.

An iconic part of NDP, the flypast saw the state flag carried by the RSAF's CH-47SD Chinook helicopter and escorted by two AH-64D Apache helicopters.

The state flag making its way to the Padang in time for the President's arrival.
Audiences at the Padang stand in attention as the state flag flies past centre stage for the national anthem.
Five F-16 fighter jets executing the bomb-burst manoeuvre as a salute to the nation.

The Digital and Intelligence Service (DIS) made its inaugural NDP appearance, forming one of five guard of honour contingents.

Madam Halimah also made a final appearance as the NDP Reviewing Officer, as she finishes her six-year term this September.

President Halimah (centre, waving flag) greeting audiences at the Padang after inspecting the parade.
The DIS (foreground) and RSAF Guard of Honour contingents performing the Feu De Joie, also known as the Fire of Joy.

This year's NDP also saw a thrilling aerial display as part of the RSAF55 celebrations.

For one, the Salute to the Nation saw five F-16 fighter jets executing a bomb-burst manoeuvre, followed by an additional three F-15SG fighters performing a fly-through.

The A330 Multi-Role Tanker Transport (MRTT) also flew across the Padang in a fixed wing formation for the first time – with two F-16D+ fighter aircraft at each of its wing.

The MRTT flying across the Padang with two F-16D+ fighter aircraft at each of its wing.
Another highlight of the enhanced aerial display was the Dual High G Turn – where two F-15SG fighter aircraft execute a synchronised sharp turn around the Padang, while flying side by side.
The parade marching off after the aerial display, led by the Colours Party.
A new addition to this year's NDP was the Total Defence Parade, which included six large floats – each representing one of the six pillars of Total Defence – and the unfurling of a Total Defence flag.
The Total Defence Parade included six large floats and the unfurling of a Total Defence flag.
The Total Defence Parade also featured a drive-past of 20 assets from the SAF, SPF and SCDF.

As night fell, the colourful NDP Show segment took centre stage.

Creative Director Royston Tan – who was directing NDP for the second time – said he hoped that the Show would inspire feelings of hope and optimism in Singaporeans.

Audiences beat their lit-up drum kits to the rhythm as they get hyped up for the NDP Show segment.
The opening act of the Show sees volunteers from Team Nila Singapore as doves, signifying peace and prosperity for the nation.

The first act of the Show, titled Our Singapore, featured a high-energy sing-and-dance to popular ethnic songs by performers from the People's Association.

This was followed by the second act, Our Strength, where performers from the SOKA Gakkai Singapore Women's Division and Dance Inspiration form a blossoming flower with their mass display dance.

Audiences also got a whiff of the Tembusu scent during the act – the first time that smell is being used in an NDP performance.

Act 1 features artistes including MDC's Frances Lee (right), who was part of the Eurasian contingent that performed the song "Jinkli Nona".
Olivia Ong (centre, in white dress) singing "Ru Yan", from local drama "The Little Nyonya" in Act 2, with performers from the SOKA Gakkai Singapore Women's Division.

The final two acts of the Show raised the energy levels and ended with a sing-and-dance to this year's theme song, Shine Your Light.

A total of 2,400 performers were involved in this year's NDP Show.

A member of Green Drumming providing the beat to the high-energy Act 3.
A spectacular 10-minute firework display at Marina Bay capping off the NDP Show with a blast.
"We the citizens of Singapore…" Young and old coming together to recite the pledge and sing the national anthem, to end the celebrations strong.
After party: Madam Halimah (centre) interacting with NDP performers onstage at the Padang.
Those celebrating NDP at home also got a glimpse of what it was like at the Padang through island-wide flypasts.
The State Flag Flypast making its way across Bedok Reservoir in one of two routes across the heartlands.
Fireworks lighting up the heartlands at Our Tampines Hub.

The state flag was flown across the eastern and western parts of Singapore, while an RSAF55 Island Flypast featuring the MRTT and a formation of fighter jets also made its way across the island.

There were also firework displays at five sites across the island, in unison with the display at Marina Bay.

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