Get an exclusive inside look at the behind the scenes of the Republic of Singapore Air Force's music video of To the Sky.//Filmed by Ajay Prashad
One's got her feet firmly on the ground, the other's hungry for adventure – CPT Rebekah Abbott and CPT (Dr) Hannah Abbott share the joys of growing up and signing on with the military.
Meet ME6 Toh Bao-En, LTC Nah Jinping, LTC Tong Wei Lynn and SLTC Tung Wanling.
The increase is among a series of various measures to enhance the National Service (NS) experience and recognise servicemen’s contributions.
Defence Minister Dr Ng Eng Hen highlighted the SAF’s long-term approach to building a next-generation fighting force, during the Committee of Supply debates on the defence budget.
Pulau Tekong will be expanded to stretch 10km, and is part of the SAF’s investments in training infrastructure for more effective and realistic training.
LCP Chen Anhong stepped up to treat patients and provide emergency medical services during his six months with the SCDF.
MAJ Jayaram Venugobalan Naidu and Kasturibai Athmaram went from schoolmates to soulmates after a chance posting to the same unit reconnected the two.
Inspired by his father who was a Commando NSman, 3SG Fong Zheng Wei went from failing IPPT to achieving Divers’ Gold.