mar17_fs2a https://www.defencepioneer.sg/images/default-source/_migrated_english/mar17_fs2a.jpg?sfvrsn=b7ac8948_2 https://www.defencepioneer.sg/pioneer-articles/WHIRLING-INTO-ACTION
01 Mar 2017 | OPS & TRAINING


STORY // Tan Jun An
PHOTO // PIONEER Photographers & Courtesy of Air Force Information Centre

What's the challenge?

Five squadrons, hundreds of military personnel, four days of action. This may sound like a scene from an epic blockbuster movie, but it was actually what went down at this year's Air Warrior Challenge as the different squadrons duked it out in eight different tasks.

Air Warrior Challenge 2017 was held from 17 to 20 Jan, as part of the RSAF Command Challenges, to pit different helicopter squadrons against one another in a test of skills and will.

"I want you to continue to remember this - without you, the RSAF would never have gotten to where it is today. I hope that the spirit of success and your fighting spirit will continue to grow, as only when that happens will the RSAF be able to reach new heights and achieve greater things."

- Brigadier-General Jonathan Tan, Commander of Participation Command, addressing the squadrons at the opening ceremony of the Air Warrior Challenge held at Sembawang Air Base on 13 Jan

What are some of the tasks?

Ops Scramble

Maintenance Proficiency


Flight engineers from 120 Squadron (SQN) loading missiles onto an Apache helicopter. For this task, participants are assessed on how long they take to complete the maintenance procedure for each of their aircraft. This aims to test the airmen's familiarity with the maintenance process of their aircraft to ensure that they are always operationally ready.


Ops Task Proficiency


Soldiers from the Special Operations Task Force fast roping from a Super Puma helicopter in the Ops Task Proficiency event. For the Super Puma squadron, this task simulates scenarios where the rapid insertion of soldiers into confined or unconventional spaces, such as rooftops of buildings, is required. It tests the ability of the pilots to hover precisely over a designated point or area in an urban environment. This is the first time the task is incorporated into the challenge, which sees each squadron performing a task related to its tactical roles.


Esprit De Corps


Bringing out the RSAF servicemen's creative spirit through the decoration of their aircraft with colourful tail flashes, this last segment of the challenge reminds the soldiers to train hard and play hard.


"This was my first Air Warrior Challenge. It was a real eye-opener as I got to see how difficult it was to get everything to fall in place. My team displayed grit and professionalism, and did the tasks to the best of our abilities. In doing so, I believe we also motivated others to work as hard or even harder than us."

- Captain Varun Kumar Rai on some of the challenges he and his organising team faced. He is a Pilot from 123 SQN and operates the Sikorsky S-70B Seahawk.


"The squadron worked hard together to organise the event as well as prepare for the challenge. It was good to see everybody chipping in with their own ideas to make winning a reality."

- Military Expert 3 Joseph Ng, a Sensor Supervisor from 123 SQN, which emerged overall champion of Air Warrior Challenge

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