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15 Aug 2012 | OPS & TRAINING


STORY // Sherlyn Quek
PHOTO // by Benjamin Lee & courtesy of OneDash 22

As a follow-up to the first ESS Web series, which followed a section of recruits through BMT, this fresh instalment takes a closer look at cadets' time at OCS, and debuts on the cyberpioneerTV YouTube channel on 16 Aug.

The show promises lots of explosions and gun battles - "I mean, this is a series about the Army after all", quipped Mr Ow - but the real highlights are the cadets and their experiences as they strive to earn their officer ranks.

He explained: "This series is about the national serviceman's journey to become an officer. But it's not merely a physical one about going through various training events. It is also a journey of the heart, mind and soul of the officer cadet - rising to challenges, picking oneself up from failure, gaining confidence and self-belief to become a leader among peers."

So how is the second series different from the original version?

"We are no longer looking at fresh-faced recruits, but officers-to-be. The standards and expectations are very different, and you can expect a deeper, more serious tone - these cadets will be trained to lead by example and assume responsibility for the men who will be under their command in future," said Ms Clara Tan, Head of MINDEF Public Affairs' Defence Media Centre.

She added: "The first season of ESS did unexpectedly well, and I think it showed us that the tough training and sacrifices that our national servicemen go through is best told through a story about real people, their struggles and their achievements. We hope the second season will continue to touch hearts and create conversations among Singaporeans."

Of character and camaraderie

Every journey comes with ups and downs, and for Officer Cadet (OCT) Sean Lai, it has literally been a coming of age.

Military knowledge and tactics aside, determination and self-motivation were some of the important values OCT Lai developed at OCS. "Despite the various physical and mental challenges, I would say that this has been a rewarding process of proving myself and pushing beyond my limits."

He added: "I really treasure the time spent training with my platoon mates... We can laugh with and at each other in every situation, due to the close bonds that we built from living together throughout these nine months."

These sentiments were shared by OCT Muhammad Zacky Bin Razali, who plans to sign on as an Army Regular. Morale hit a low during the gruelling Jungle Confidence Course overseas when his team became disoriented in the dense rainforest. Cold, hungry and exhausted, they were sorely tempted to give up, but pulled through by helping and encouraging one another.

He said: "One crucial takeaway from my time here in OCS is the fighting spirit... No matter how mentally or physically drained I was, I kept in mind that I had to step up as a leader."

Fellow cadet Jai Ganesh added: "Training overseas in harsh conditions made me realise how often we take simple things such as a nice, warm cup of coffee, the comfort of our bed or even the greater things such as the companionship of our loved ones for granted."

Lead the way

Having watched the first ESS series before enlisting, OCT Lai felt that it helped him to better prepare himself for BMT. Now, as one of the servicemen featured in the second season, he said: "The feeling of recording my experience in OCS as an officer cadet was quite surreal... I'm glad to be a part of this project that could possibly inspire future recruits to embark on this nine-month journey to become an SAF officer."

As their 15 Jul commissioning was drawing near at the time of the interview, OCT Shawn Chng was full of anticipation: "Meeting people of different walks of life and learning to work with them has been the most enjoyable part of my training. I've always wanted to make a difference and I think entering OCS gave me not only the best opportunity to lead and serve, but also the ability to influence others and watch them grow."

Fast facts

Number of web episodes


When the series debuts

16 Aug, 6pm

Average length of each episode


Where to catch the show

Every Thursday on the cyberpioneerTV channel on YouTube

"Everyone has to serve NS, but it's how we choose to embrace it that makes the difference. We have the ability to touch the lives of our men by setting an example for them in leadership."
- OCT Lai

ESS II: The Making of an Officer

Titled The Making of an Officer, the series follows a group of Full-time National Servicemen as they rough it out on overseas training and master the specialised skills needed to lead as Armour, Infantry and Engineer officers.

Said Mr Ow: "Filming was done where the cadets trained - whether it be in OCS, at live-firing ranges, out in the jungles of Pulau Tekong, and even as far away as Germany, where we captured our Armour cadets' training."

He added: "In ESS II, we will see participants expressing doubt over their abilities, questioning the point of going through certain activities, and even failing at their appointed tasks... Of course, the point is not to showcase our participants' mistakes, but to document their journey in NS... Despite the trials and challenges that come their way, they persevere and overcome, maturing and growing as individuals in the process."

So will there be a third season of ESS? Mr Donald Chew, Head Production Services Content Delivery, MINDEF Defence Media Centre, said: "We are considering putting out a third installment to the series - after all, all good things come in threes! But we're not really focusing on that at the moment, because our priority right now is to finish up ESS II and do a good job with it."

On why MINDEF chose to focus on command schools after the first season, he explained: "While not every Singaporean son has the opportunity to enter a command school and be trained to be a commander, we feel that in some way, these schools still have a profound impact on the lives of our national servicemen, since the graduates of these schools go on to lead many full-time national servicemen.

Moreover, the ESS series can also address questions that pre-enlistees may have about NS, and serve as inspiration for those who aspire to become commanders in the SAF."

Comprising 20 to 25 webisodes (web episodes) of five to 10 minutes each, ESS II will have with a new episode uploaded every Thursday at 6pm on the cyberpioneerTV YouTube channel. Catch the series when it premieres on 16 Aug!

Watch the trailer here!

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