PHOTO // Mark Teo
We have never met before and she turns up (early) with a box of sweet treats for the working crew. And despite having to wait quite long for her make-up and styling to be done, she is still all smiles when it comes to the interview.
Meet Ms Wong Tien Kwan. Her job at Nexus is to inspire people to be more committed Singapore's defence and to love our country. She has worked on the annual Total Defence (TD) campaign and the ciNE65 short film competition which asks people to tell their Singapore stories through film.
"Last year's TD campaign was my most memorable experience; telling the Singapore story through everyday Singaporeans."
Besides yoga, which she does thrice a week with her colleagues, Tien Kwan also likes to take photos, and she looks for quirky spots such as the venue of our photo shoot. "I like the bright blue walls!" she said of Centre 42, which is a facility dedicated to local theatre writing.
Well, we like her too.