15 Mar 2011 | OPS & TRAINING


STORY // Sheena Tan
PHOTO // Chua Soon Lye and Chai Sian Liang

What do infantry soldiers use to close in on the enemy? Handy dandy weapons. Here's a look at the weapons used by soldiers in the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF).

Bigger does not necessarily mean better, especially in close combat. That is why soldiers are equipped with a variety of small arms that are designed to be swift and deadly when they close in for the kill.

Currently, the common weapons used by various battalions in the SAF are variants of the Singapore Assault Rifle (SAR) 21, such as the sharpshooter and one with an M203 grenade launcher attached, the and the Section Assault Weapon (SAW).

Termed as small arms, these weapons are highly portable and can be carried and used by one person. They also typically weigh below 5kg.

"In the infantry battalion, the three main weapons are the , SAW and M203. As for the P226, it's used mainly by infantry units that conduct POI (Protection of Installations)," explained Master Warrant Officer (MWO) Michael Pereira, the Deputy Manager and Head Coach of the SAF Shooting Contingent, School of Infantry Weapons.

He elaborated: "When operating as a section of seven men, two men will be armed with the M203, two with the SAW, two with the normal and one with the sharpshooter."

Commenting on their effectiveness in battle, MWO Pereira said: "These small arms are very good for jungle and urban warfare because they are small, compact and user-friendly. They don't obstruct your movement, whether you're crawling behind bushes or ducking along corridors.

"Weapons with scope functions like the are also really simple to handle. You just need to look at the dot through the scope, then fix the dot onto the target and fire to engage the weapon."

"These small arms are very good for jungle and urban warfare because they are small, compact and user-friendly."
- MWO Pereira

The M203 grenade launcher complements the hand grenade in terms of range and accuracy.
It is best used when attacking troops in the open as its explosive power is capable of injuring troops in a wider area.

Length of launcher: 382mm
Operating principle: Pump action by sliding barrel
Weight of launcher (unloaded): 1.4kg
Rate of fire: Single shot
Maximum effective range: 350m

Usually carried by infantry troops assigned to protect installations such as airports and wharves, and allows them to apprehend intruders. Troops deployed for missions overseas may sometimes be issued the pistol for self-protection.

Length: 195mm
Operating principle: Recoil-operated
Weight (unloaded):
Cyclic rate of fire:
Single or double action
Maximum effective range:

The is compact and easy to use in an urban or jungle setting, and the sharpshooter variant has three times the magnification.
It is best used when there is a critical need for precision to take out a target, for example, when the enemy is hiding behind bushes.

Operating principle: Gas-operated long stroke piston
Weight (unloaded): 4kg
Cyclic rate of fire: 450-650 rounds per minute
Maximum effective range: 460m
Magnification: 1.5 times (3 times for Sharpshooter variant)

Also called the section machine gun, it can be fitted with a 30 or 100 round magazine. It is best used as support fire, while the rest of the platoon carries out a flank attack on the enemy.

Length: 1030mm
Operating principle: Gas-operated
Weight (unloaded): 4.75kg
Cyclic rate of fire: 400-600 rounds per minute
Maximum effective range: 460m

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