PHOTO // Chua Soon Lye and Chai Sian Liang
Imagine the precision of a scalpel married with the power of a sledgehammer. Well, the Leopard 2A4 Main Battle Tank (MBT) certainly comes close. The newest addition to the Singapore Armed Forces Armour formation, the Leopard 2A4 MBT is faster, hits targets harder and is an integral part of a precision-fire 3rd Generation fighting force.
In conjunction with the formation's 40th anniversary, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Defence Teo Chee Hean inaugurated the 48th Battalion, Singapore Armoured Regiment (SAR), which operates the new tanks. The inauguration signifies the operational readiness of the battalion.
"Success on the modern battlefield is increasingly being determined by how well various combat assets which used to fight as separate entities can now be integrated into a fighting system that leverages on a network of sensors, manoeuvre units and fire-delivery systems," said Mr Teo during his address at Sungei Gedong Camp on 26 Jun.
Mr Teo added that in the past 40 years, the Armour formation has played a vital role in securing Singapore's peace and security. With the addition of the new Leopard 2A4 MBTs to the Armour formation, the SAF is one step closer to realising a 3G fighting force.
Citing the Armour formation as part of the "force that will provide our nation another 40 years of peace", Mr Teo also stressed the critical need to keep abreast of technology to maximise resources, so as to enable the SAF to secure a swift and decisive victory should the need ever arise.
Working with the other platforms in the Armour formation such as the Bionix Infantry Fighting Vehicles, the Bronco All-Terrain Tracked Carriers and the Primus Self-Propelled Howitzers, the Leopard 2A4 MBTs will provide a significant boost for the SAF Armour formation.
In October 2008, the tanks performed their first integrated live-firing exercise in Australia during Exercise Wallaby. Working in tandem with other air and land platforms such as the Apache attack helicopters and the artillery, the Leopards' lethality and mobility was in full swing.
In line with the planned progression into a 3rd generation fighting force, the Leopard 2A4 MBTs are equipped with the Battlefield Management System (BMS). The BMS enables tank commanders to view a graphical real-time representation of all friendly forces in their vicinity.
In addition, with the aid of Aerial Unmanned Vehicles (UAVs) relaying live images to the command headquarters, senior commanders will achieve a new level of battlefield awareness to aid in their decision-making.
In short, the Leopard 2A4 MBTs will fight as part of an integrated force, leveraging on the various capabilities of fighting platforms from the three Services in the SAF to accomplish its mission.
"Armour does not fight alone. It fights today as part of a system," said Mr Teo.
While the operational environment has changed over the years, one constant in the Armour formation is its people. In a large formation such as Armour, one would expect the bonds within its ranks to be weaker.
Contrary to this belief, the Armour formation is one that is held firmly together by the bonds of trust and camaraderie among the servicemen.
Chief Armour Officer, Brigadier-General (BG) Philip Lim explained: "To perform their tasks, armoured vehicle crews operate in a small, confined space and they learn to have absolute trust in their crew mates. From this, a spirit of trust and cohesiveness is embedded in all levels of Armour."
Expressing pride in being part of Armour and an operator of the new Leopard 2A4 MBT, Lance-Corporal (LCP) Paramjit Singh told cyberpioneer: "Whenever I wear my black beret, there is a sense of belonging. I feel proud that I am a part of the formation and the Leopard 2A4 MBT battalion."
"Once Armour, always Armour," said the 21-year-old with much pride and conviction.
The battalion is made up mainly of Full-time National Servicemen like LCP Singh, who are grouped into four-man teams to operate the Leopard 2A4MBTs.
The servicemen have done exceedingly well since the battalion's establishment 14 months ago - completing tactical and live-firing training for two companies in Australia and Germany, a testament to the proficiency of the crew.
Next up for the dedicated and driven crew: to achieve Full Operational Capability later this year.
26 Jun 09 - SAF Armour Turns 40
26 Jun 09 - Speech by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Defence Teo Chee Hean, at the Armour 40th Anniversary Parade
26 Jun 09 - News Video: SAF Armour Turns 40