26 Mar 2012 | PEOPLE


STORY // Rachael Lim
PHOTO // Chai Sian Liang & Courtesy Of Special Olympics AsiaPacific

He may have put away his Army uniform, but Brigadier-General (BG) (NS) Lim Teck Yin never stopped grooming the next generation.

He may not have noticed it, but BG (NS) Lim used the words "SAF" (Singapore Armed Forces) and "sports" more than a hundred times during the interview.

But it is unsurprising as after his 30-year career with the SAF, BG (NS) Lim's role as the Chief Executive Officer of the Singapore Sports Council (SSC) is now that of a master planner for sports, reaching out to Singaporeans to make sports a part of their daily lives.

Leading the way through sports

"A sporting culture is where people recognise the value of sports...beyond just its value for health and fitness. Engaging in sports can help them develop and grow as people, team members and leaders, so it is not just for individual benefit, but also for social benefit," said the avid sportsman, who plays racket sports and soccer in his free time.

This is not too different from what BG (NS) Lim used to do in the SAF. "My own sense of how sports can be used towards such ends was born in the SAFTI Military Institute (MI). When I was Commandant SAFTI MI, I worked very closely with the Centre for Leadership Development, looking at a curriculum that used sports to develop leadership and team skills," added the 48-year-old.

Inspired to achieve

Recounting his time in the SAF, BG (NS) Lim said: "I've been part of great teams from the time I was a platoon commander to when I was Commandant SAFTI MI. I was very blessed and fortunate to have worked for some very inspiring people along the way."

Citing former Chief of Defence Force Lieutenant-General (LG) (Retired) Bey Soo Khiang as an example, BG (NS) Lim, who was LG Bey's military advisor, said it was qualities like clarity of mission and a graciousness to guide and to nurture, not just to demand, that he remembers most about the leaders he looked up to.

"Every time you see people strive for a higher purpose, it's always inspiring. I joined the SAF and was inspired by my commanders. It's the same thing in sports, when you see people strive to achieve. Sports isn't just about winning gold medals; it's about the human spirit. That's what attracts me to sports, and that's what attracted me to the SAF."

So it was with a measure of pride when BG (NS) Lim said he would be donning his SAF uniform again when he returns for In-Camp Training early this year.

The father of three sons and a daughter said: "The SAF is one of those special organisations that look after its people and help them to grow and learn. If I could, I'd do it all over again."

"A sporting culture is where people recognise the value of sports...beyond just its value for health and fitness."

- BG (NS) Lim

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