STORY // Sheena Tan
PHOTO // PIONEER Photographers
Over the years, many improvements have been made to the National Service (NS) experience. PIONEER looks at some of the key changes.
Efforts to improve NS have been ongoing and includes the Committee to Recognise the Contribution of Operationally Ready National Servicemen (NSmen) to Total Defence (RECORD), which was first formed in 1990. Four subsequent RECORDs and their recommendations have led to many benefits and support for national servicemen.
Here's an overview of the key changes that have taken place.
More recognition
...of servicemen to appreciate their contributions
- Awards for NSmen and Full-time National Servicemen (NSFs) of the year
- Certificate of Service upon completion of full-time NS to assist servicemen in obtaining employment
- Upgrading of SAFRA Toa Payoh clubhouse, construction of the Jurong clubhouse and plans to build a clubhouse in Punggol
- Tax relief of up to $5,000 for NSmen, and up to $750 for parents and spouses
- NS Recognition Award of up to $10,500 for each citizen National Serviceman upon completion of Operationally Ready NS (ORNS) training cycle
- Increased rank, combat and command appointment add-on allowances
More efficient
...use of time spent in NS
- Full-time NS reduced from 2.5 to 2 years; ORNS training cycle reduced from 13 to 10 years
- Automation of in- and out-processing and mobilisation systems to reduce time spent on administration during In-Camp Training (ICT)
- One-stop Mobilisation and Equipping Centre, which stores all the equipment an NS battalion requires, for easy and quick distribution
More support
...for NS from families and employers
- Vouchers for defence and national education-related attractions for NSmen and their families
- Family visits to Basic Military Training Centre on recruits' enlistment day
- Awards for employers who show support for NS
More convenient
...means for NSmen to balance work and NS demands
- Zoning of camps to allow NSmen to bring camera hand phones into non-sensitive areas
- My NSadmin and MyIPPT mobile apps to help NSmen manage their ICT and Individual Physical Proficiency Test (IPPT) requirements
- IPPT-in-your-community fitness corners for NSmen to keep fit in their neighourhood
Stronger NS, successful S'pore
Minister for Defence Dr Ng Eng Hen formed the Committee to Strengthen National Service, which comprises two working groups, earlier this year. Senior Minister of State for Defence Chan Chun Sing leads the "Support for NS" group while Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Dr Maliki Osman leads the "Recognition and Benefits for NS" group.
Over the next few months, the members will engage Singaporeans through focus groups, town hall sessions and surveys to find out their views about NS and what can be done to strengthen it. The public can also get involved in this effort through