1433947337053 https://www.defencepioneer.sg/images/default-source/_migrated_english/1433947337053.jpg?sfvrsn=755adc0e_2 https://www.defencepioneer.sg/pioneer-articles/LET-ME-TELL-YOU-A-STORY
10 Jun 2015 | COMMUNITY


STORY // Benita Teo
PHOTO // James Ng

What would a group of grandfathers have in common with young students and today s frontline soldiers? The answer proves surprising.

Singapore is so small; drop one bomb, and we are finished. So why is Singapore worth defending?" Major (MAJ) (Ret) Ashim bin Mochtar asked the class of about 40 from Juying Secondary School.

The students looked up at their guest speaker thoughtfully before scribbling furiously into their notebooks.

If you were asked that question, would you have the answer? The C2D (Commitment to Defence) Ambassadors hope that, after hearing their stories, you'll be able to find the answer for yourself.

In collaboration with the Singapore Armed Forces Veterans League (SAFVL), the Ministry of Defence established the C2D Ambassadors Programme in accordance with Committee to Strengthen National Service (NS) recommendations to strengthen National Education (NE) efforts.

Director Nexus, Colonel (COL) Roland Ng explained: "(The ambassadors) are volunteers who have served with distinction in their military careers, lived through significant historical events, or participated in key military operations and they are passionate about sharing their personal and rich operational experiences with young people."

The inaugural group of 49 ambassadors was appointed on 13 Feb. They will be making their rounds speaking to soldiers and students at locations such as the Singapore Discovery Centre, SAF Leadership Schools, and educational institutions.

COL (Ret) Goh, who has lived through World War II, hopes to impart survival instincts to young Singaporeans.

Passing on lessons and legacies

Reaching out to Singaporean youths is something that the C2D Ambassadors are looking forward to, because they understand the importance of educating a generation brought up in peace and stability.

"I'm from the pioneer generation - some call it the pai miah (hard life) generation, because we learnt to survive," said C2D Ambassador COL (Ret) Goh Lye Choon, whose father became a prisoner-of-war during World War II and only returned when he was about five years old.

"My children and grandchildren are from the pampered generation, and I see the need to educate our citizens. Without the survival instinct, we cannot be where we are today." The 74-year-old was a tank officer and retired in 1994 after a 33-year career.

"We cannot wait for somebody else to defend us; we have to look after ourselves. If we do not pass on the message that we are ready, willing and able to defend our country, it will be too late," added Major (MAJ) (Ret) Ishwar Lall Singh, 86.

He joined the SAF as a volunteer in 1956 before being commissioned as an armoured infantry officer six years later, and retired in 1984.

MAJ (Ret) Singh recounted his conversation with Full-time National Servicemen at the weapons presentation ceremony held on Total Defence Day earlier this year: "I asked if they knew why they were here, and they replied that they had to complete NS.

"I told them, 'No, you are here to learn to look after your country. This is where we expect you to be the pillars holding up the country.

"Always remember that you are not doing this for yourself, but for the rest of us'."

MAJ (Ret) Singh wants to remind NSFs to "always remember that you are not doing this for yourself, but for the rest of us".

Dialogue and discussions

The personal touch provided by the C2D Ambassadors has been well received. Said Specialist Cadet (SCT) Jordan Chow, who met MAJ (Ret) Ashim at an NE visit to the Kranji War Memorial: "It's very insightful to have someone who has experienced (the war). Compared to what he has been through, I feel like I've gone through very little." MAJ (Ret) Ashim, 72, served as an infantry officer from 1966 to 1972.

"It's not easy to convince the younger generation (of the need for national defence)," COL (Ret) Goh conceded. "But when the youngsters see people like us, they will know that we have the experience."

And while "the general perception is that young people are not caring", MAJ (Ret) Ashim learnt that they were far from apathetic. "When I meet and interact with them, I find out (that) they feel quite passionate about certain things."

He added that, in their own ways and at their various levels, they understood the need for Singapore to stand up for itself.

Have you found your answer to why Singapore is worth defending? In the meantime, see the answers that students of Juying Secondary School discovered after the engagement session:

Bryan Yeo Jun Kai, 17 Secondary 5

"We must try our best to defend (our home) because it is important to us. At least if we defend Singapore and die, we would not have died in vain. We mustn't disappoint our forefathers who built and formed Singapore with blood, sweat and tears."

Choong Qiu Yan, 16 Secondary 4
"I have realised that Singapore needs deterrence and diplomacy because of events in the past. During the Japanese Occupation, people in Singapore led the lives of 'slaves'. Hence, to prevent history from recurring, all males have to serve NS to deter potential attackers."

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