PHOTO // Chua Soon Lye, Roy Lim & courtesy Of 2WO Hidayat
Often described as the "backbone" of the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF), Warrant Officers are now working even more closely with the Officer Corps in leading soldiers in areas such as training and discipline.
This was the word that SAF Sergeant Major Chief Warrant Officer (CWO) Joseph Koa used when asked to summarise the re-profiling of the Warrant Officer Corps. An effort to recognise the important roles that warrant officers play, the SAF-wide initiative began in 2006 and is still going on.
Today, warrant officers hold the role of "warfighters-leaders-trainers". In this amalgamated role, they train the rank and file; enforce regimentation and discipline among soldiers; lead and manage as well as deepen the skills and knowledge of the warrant officers and specialists under their charge.
Explaining how this creates more leaders at different levels, CWO Koa said: "With their experience, warrant officers are best suited to train the young guys and take care of them. Officers come in to bring soldier-level training to the unit level." Soldier-level training refers to soldiering fundamentals such as fitness, navigation and marksmanship.
2009 was a milestone year for warrant officers, with the introduction of the Enhanced Warrant Officers Scheme and the 3rd Warrant Officer rank. 2010 saw the first warrant officers appointed as Chief Instructors and Commanding Officers (COs) of training institutes - appointments traditionally held by officers.
"This used to be the officers' domain, but today, more warrant officers are speaking up and getting more involved in not just training the soldiers, but also how to improve our training methods... so these are the positive effects of the re-profiling," said CWO Koa.
PIONEER speaks to five warrant officers who, as warfighters, trainers and leaders, sharpen the SAF's fighting edge. Here are their stories:
Becoming chief enciks
The Chief Warrant Officer rank (CWO) is the new pinnacle rank of the Warrant Officer Corps. It was created in recognition of the past efforts and achievements of warrant officers and specialists, as well as their increased responsibilities as they contribute at a higher level.
Building on the Senior Warrant Officer rank insignia, the new CWO rank insignia comes with four chevrons and the addition of laurels around the coat of arms.
Milestones in the history of the WO Corps
- SAF Training Institute (SAFTI) is formed to train both Commissioned and Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOs)
1 Jun 1969
- School of Section Leaders (SSL) established in SAFTI
1 Oct 1970
- SSL renamed to School of Infantry Section Leaders (SISL)
September 1978
- Formalisation of SAF's Regular Infantry NCOs (RINCO) scheme
1 May 1982
- SISL renamed as SAF Infantry NCOs School (SAFINCOS), with a new motto "With Pride We Lead"
1 Jul 1983
- Senior Warrant Officer (SWO) introduced as pinnacle rank of NCO Corps
1 Jul 1987
First SAF woman promoted to SWO
16 Aug 1988
- 20 warrant officers graduated from the first Regimental Sergeant Major course
July 1989
- First SAF senior NCO selected to attend the United States Army Sergeants Major Academy course
- First warrant officers appointed as Platoon Commander/Company 2nd-in-Charge in SAFINCOS
1 Jul 1992
- NCO Corps restructured to Warrant Officer and Specialist (WOSpec) Corps
- SAFINCOS renamed as School of Infantry Specialists (SISPEC)
July 1992
- Formation of SAF Warrant Officer School (SAFWOS) in Pasir Laba Camp to run the Army Warrant Officer Course and Joint Warrant Officer Course
- First warrant officers appointed as Platoon Commander/Company 2nd-In-Charge/Officer Commanding in training institutions across SAF
28 Jan 2000
- SAF Premium Plan launched to promote a headstart in life for specialists and a fulfilling career for warrant officers
- Introduction of Continuous Learning and Academic Sponsorship Scheme (CLASS) which allows WOSpecs to pursue courses in their relevant fields of studies
10 Jul 2004
- SISPEC returns to Pasir Laba Camp after five years at Pulau Tekong
17 Sep 2004
Inauguration of Specialist & Warrant Officer Institute (SWI) in Pasir Laba Camp, formed under the merger of SAFWOS and SISPEC
January 2006
- Review in addressing warrant officers: Sergeant Major appointment holders to be called "Sergeant Major"; male and female warrant officers to be called "Encik" and "Cik" respectively
- Warfighter Course introduced as part of Enhanced Warrant Officers' Scheme
- First Master Sergeants promoted to 3rd Warrant Officer rank
31 Jan 2011
- First warrant officer appointed as Commanding Officer
22 Aug 2011
- Ceremonial swords presented to Master Warrant Officers and Senior Warrant Officers in the inaugural Army Sword Presentation ceremony
1 Jul 2012
- Chief Warrant Officer introduced as the new pinnacle rank