01 Mar 2018 | PEOPLE


// STORY Tan Jun An
// PHOTO Tan Yong Quan

Being a top performer among hundreds of people is no easy task. CFC (NS) Hamardeen, however, achieved this feat twice.

In 2016 and 2017, he was placed in the top 30 percent of all Operationally Ready National Servicemen (NSmen) in his unit who went back for ICT, and received the NSEA both times.

The award recipients are given vouchers in recognition of their performance in ICT and NS courses, and for their continued commitment to Singapore's defence.

Inclusive work environment

From facilitating reports of errant servicemen being charged for offences to recommending the appropriate punishment, CFC (NS) Hamardeen plays an important role in the back-end operations of his unit as an Admin Support Assistant in 907th Battalion, Singapore Infantry Regiment (907 SIR).

Although CFC (NS) Hamardeen was happy to see his efforts recognised, the 28-year-old felt that credit also goes to those whom he worked with.

"For every task given to me, I'll try my best to bring everyone in the team on board so that all of us can work together to complete it in the most efficient manner."

Through this, he also sought to create a positive work environment in which everyone feels that they are valued members whose opinions are respected.

He added: "I am a strong believer of TEAM effort, which stands for 'Together Everyone Achieves More'.

"For example, I share with my team members the purpose behind every task that we do, so that they understand the importance of our work and are willing to give their all."

Juggling responsibilities

Like many NSmen, CFC (NS) Hamardeen has to juggle career, family and NS commitments.

Good time management is crucial to ensure that he can fulfil his obligations and commitments within and outside of the Singapore Armed Forces.

An Executive (Performance Management) in charge of career planning and Human Resource (HR) administration for Regulars in the 2nd People's Defence Force (2 PDF), he keeps himself abreast of the latest happenings in the office, even while he is away on ICT, by catching up on his work when his unit's training has ended.

"There are numerous work conversations and decisions that have to be tracked and followed up on quickly, as lapses can cause delays in career advancement (for the soldiers under my charge)."

Besides his civilian work duties, CFC (NS) Hamardeen has to make time for his family as well as his part-time studies for a bachelor's degree in HR Management at the Singapore University of Social Sciences.

"(When I'm on ICT,) my superiors in 2 PDF support me by delegating my tasks to others so that I won't have to deal with an overwhelming workload when I get back to office.

"In addition, I try to manage my time properly by making sure that I complete the urgent tasks before I go for ICT, and minimising any distractions from my regular job."

"This can only be achieved through careful planning to ensure that I settle my work and study needs ahead of ICT, while also making sure that I do not neglect my family."

CFC (NS) Hamardeen believes in building teamwork to create a positive work environment in NS.


Inspirational NSmen


CFC (NS) Hamardeen has gone for three low-key ICTs and has never deferred a session. He draws motivation from his commanders who have done the same.

"I look up to my commanders as role models because they always put in their best effort no matter how busy they are. Some of them have even gone the extra mile by extending their service term."

He noted that other NSmen in 907 SIR are also dedicated to the cause and would rather bring their work to camp and complete it during their free time than to defer their ICT.

"(For example,) one of my fellow NSmen works in the construction industry. Whenever we had a break, we would often find him buried in stacks of files and piles of paperwork," said CFC (NS) Hamardeen.

"Seeing how committed they are, I constantly reflect on my own actions to ensure that I emulate their dedication and performance during ICT."

CFC (NS) Hamardeen shared that he hopes to find new ways to keep the HR processes in his unit effective and efficient.

"Administrative processes may sometimes be seen as mundane and routine, but I believe that strong human resources enable a unit to focus better on training.

"My personal vision is for the HR practices in 907 SIR to be an exemplary model to the other units."

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