1424679686046 https://www.defencepioneer.sg/images/default-source/_migrated_english/1424679686046.jpg?sfvrsn=febe56b8_2 https://www.defencepioneer.sg/pioneer-articles/HAND-HELD-BATTLES
18 Mar 2015 | TECHNOLOGY


STORY // James Ng & courtesy of Nexus
PHOTO // James Ng & Courtesy of Nexus

PIONEER writer Matthew Neo becomes a 2nd Lieutenant (2LT) who has to help defend Singapore against an enemy invasion in Ops Battleforce 2, the SAF's latest action strategy game.

"I'm glad to see you here, 2LT Matthew," said the imposing Brigadier-General from the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) as he introduced himself. "It is a challenging time for us now as our home has been invaded but we shall stand steadfast and defend our home with all our might."

As a commander in the game, I was provided with a bird's eye view of the battlefield. Moving the map about was simple - a series of swipes and pinches that should be familiar to anyone accustomed to using a touch-screen mobile phone - and commanding the movement of my troops was as easy as tapping them, and drawing a route to a new rally point.

Sounds simple enough, but I was soon subject to a trial by fire. Enemy reconnaissance troopers had landed on the island, and I was tasked to take them out. I placed my entire force of 10 infantry soldiers on the drop zone on the beach before advancing towards enemy headquarters.

As the timer ticked towards zero, my troops encountered heavy enemy fire. Pressure was mounting, but it seemed my tactics were effective as the enemy headquarters went up in flames with time to spare.

As I got further in the game, more units were unlocked. Many a boring bus ride home transformed into a carefully choreographed battlefield with long-range artillery supporting the might of Leopard 2SG tanks while aircraft streaked overhead and frigates watched from the sea.

Units have three modes or stances - guard, aggressive, and hold - which dictate how they respond to an enemy presence. I was particularly impressed with the amount of control I had over my units: Everything - from the position of an airstrike to the route my tanks and infantry took to an objective - was left up to me.

The campaign became progressively challenging, pushing me to constantly think of new strategies or approaches to succeed.

Hats off to the men and women who serve in the SAF. Commanding my forces from the comfort of an air-conditioned room was tough enough, so one can only imagine the trials that they go through in the field. This game may not boast intricate graphics or complex gameplay, but it has definitely instilled in me a new appreciation for the need for defence.

Download Ops Battleforce 2 from the iTunes Store or Google Play to give it a try now.

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