19 Dec 2011 | OPS & TRAINING


STORY // Joy Wong
PHOTO // Chai Sian Liang & Chua Soon Lye

The fourth and newest Fitness Conditioning Centre (FCC) in Kranji Camp II is a recently completed initiative to enhance training convenience for Operationally Ready National Servicemen (NSmen). PIONEER checks out the facility.

NSman Corporal (CPL) (NS) Mohamed Faizal Bin Abdul Rahiman attends up to two Individual Physical Proficiency Test Preparatory Training (IPT) sessions per week.

He used to take about one and a half hours travelling to and from Khatib FCC by public transport, but since switching to Kranji FCC in September this year, his journey time has been shortened by half.

With the time saved, CPL (NS) Faizal is now able to finish more work in the office before he leaves for IPT, and spend more time with family after he is done with training.

"It's good that Kranji FCC is just a five-minute walk from Yew Tee MRT station; it saves us the time and hassle of transferring on buses. Now, I feel more motivated to attend the training sessions," said the combat medic from the 665th Battalion, Singapore Infantry Regiment.

For NSmen in north-western S'pore

CPL (NS) Faizal is one of numerous NSmen who benefit from the convenient location of Kranji FCC, which opened its doors on 13 Jun to IPT and Remedial Training (RT) participants, and subsequently on 15 Oct to those taking the Individual Physical Proficiency Test (IPPT).

To cater to the training requirements of NSmen who live or work in north-western Singapore, Kranji FCC is one of 18 recommendations made by the fifth committee to Recognise the Contributions of Operationally Ready National Servicemen to Total Defence (RECORD V) in 2009.

These initiatives aim to appreciate the efforts of NSmen and those of their families and employers, as well as to help NSmen balance their personal life and National Service commitments.

Said Minister of State for Defence and Education Lawrence Wong, who officiated at the opening of Kranji FCC on 3 Nov: "This facility will provide our NSmen greater convenience to get themselves fit and ready for IPPT."

To date, 15 recommendations, including the set up of Kranji FCC, have been put in place. Mr Wong noted that the implementation of the remaining three RECORD V initiatives - the IPPT-in-your-community project, refurbishment of Business Centres in Singapore Armed Forces Camps and construction of new clubhouses for NSmen - is well under way.

Greater ease, convenience for training

Kranji FCC is the latest addition to the three existing training centres located at Khatib Camp, Maju Camp and Bedok Camp, which serve NSmen living in the northern, central/south and eastern parts of Singapore respectively.

It is the only SAF fitness training facility equipped with both an indoor 2.4km running route and an outdoor 400m track.

The indoor track is primarily used to administer the 2.4km running test, while the outdoor track is meant for general training purposes.

Officer Commanding at Kranji FCC, 1st Warrant Officer Lim Kim Leng, explained the advantage of taking the 2.4km test indoors: "NSmen can complete their IPPT even during bad weather. This is more convenient as they do not have to reschedule for another IPPT just because the run cannot be conducted outdoors."

New gym equipment

Besides the running tracks, Kranji FCC features a gymnasium that accommodates up to a company size of NSmen, a fully-automated Electronic IPPT Scoring System, as well as various exercise machines that help strengthen the muscle groups involved in IPPT.

Some of the new equipment include the Integrated Health Fitness Management System (IHFMS), kettlebells and resistance bands.

"They were introduced to all FCCs recently to help NSmen train more efficiently and effectively", explained Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) Chua Boon Chuan, Commanding Officer of the Army Fitness Centre.

The IHFMS assesses an NSman's overall health and fitness level through various tests, and determines his biological age against his chronological age.

For example, an NSman could have a chronological age of 30, but due to lack of regular exercise and unhealthy eating habits, he could be over 35 years old biologically.

The machine then recommends personalised training and nutrition tips that help the NSman to train to achieve the realistic targets. This assessment is currently provided to NSmen undergoing IPT.

Kettlebells and resistance bands have been integrated into IPT and RT to add variety in the form of strength training, which can help NSmen to improve their chin-up, sit-up and standing broad jump scores.

To make the training experience even more beneficial for IPT and RT participants, LTC Chua said that Fitness Specialists will share numerous fitness, nutrition and safety tips during and at the end of each training session.

"I find more purpose in exercising after having a better understanding of which muscles are being worked when I do certain exercises," said CPL (NS) Faizal.

"It's helped me to train on my own more effectively and I'm quite happy about how much my fitness level has improved!"

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