PHOTO // Chua Soon Lye
Find out more about the National Service Recognition Award (NSRA), the latest initiative by the Government to provide sustained recognition to citizens who serve National Service (NS).
The award, administered by the Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) and the Ministry of Home Affairs, aims to give sustained recognition and appreciation to the NS contributions made by Singapore citizens. It was first unveiled by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong at this year's National Day Rally.
Minister of State for Defence Associate Professor Koo Tsai Kee identified the three key milestones that national servicemen must achieve to be eligible for the three tranches of the NSRA, on 31 Aug at the SAFRA Jurong Clubhouse.
"The NSRA celebrates three significant milestones during a national serviceman's NS journey: first, when he completes full-time NS; second, when he is midway through his ORNS (Operationally Ready NS) training cycle; and finally, when he completes his ORNS training cycle," said Assoc Prof Koo of the award.
MINDEF's Director Manpower Tan Kok Yam added that Full-time National Servicemen (NSFs) and Operationally Ready National Servicemen (NSmen) must have attained the milestones on or after 29 Aug this year to qualify for the award.
Assoc Prof Koo also revealed that NS commanders - servicemen who hold the rank of 3rd Sergeant (3SG) and above for those serving in the Singapore Armed Forces, and Sergeant (SGT) and above for those serving in the Home Team - will receive $10,500 while other servicemen will receive $9,000.
Why have this award?
Explaining the significance of handing out this award, Assoc Prof Koo said: "The sum is a significant amount, but it is not the amount of money that is important; it is the value that we place behind our people and the value that the Singapore Government and the people of Singapore recognise in the important contributions of NSmen and NSFs... They have brought us peace and prosperity and these contributions cannot be monetised."
Said Captain (CPT) (NS) Mohamed Najib Mashuni, an Officer Commanding from the 731st Battalion, Singapore Infantry Regiment: "I'm pleased that the government is recognising the sacrifices that we make as citizens who take time off from our families and careers to serve our In-Camp Training (ICT)."
While the first milestone is marked by a serviceman's Operationally Ready Date, the second milestone is pegged to the mid-point of the ORNS training cycle. This is determined by the completion of either three high-key ICT, or five ICT of which two are high-key.
For citizens, the third NSRA disbursement will replace the existing ORNS Completion Award of $300 given to every eligible serviceman.
Where does the money go?
The first tranche of the NSRA will be credited into the serviceman's Post-Secondary Education Account while the other two tranches will go into his Central Provident Fund (CPF). Servicemen will be able to use the first disbursement to pursue further studies or training in full-time subsidised courses at approved educational institutions, while the other two disbursements can be used to meet their housing, health-care and retirement needs.
If the first disbursement is not used by age 30, it will be transferred to the NSman's CPF account.
According to Mr Tan, the NSRA, which will be paid out in three equal amounts, will be disbursed two months after NSmen reach each of the milestones. The disbursements will start from February 2011, to allow time for the administrative changes to take place.
For CPT (NS) Mohamed Najib, the NSRA could not have arrived at a better time: "As I'll be getting married next year, the award is quite timely as it will help me in getting my house." He will be eligible for the second disbursement of the NSRA when he completes his second high-key ICT this year.
The NSRA also spelt good news for NSF 3SG Prasatt s/o Arumugam, who will be heading to the National University of Singapore to read Philosophy next year. "I'll be completing my NS soon and the money in the Post-Secondary Education Account will help me with my university tuition fees," he said.
Like 3SG Prasatt, 2nd Lieutenant (2LT) Justin Ong is glad to be receiving the award prior to entering university. "I'm happy because as a government initiative in recognising our efforts towards the defence of Singapore, the NSRA will come in handy, especially for people like us who are entering the next phase of our lives, which is university education. Further down the road, I ll be looking at satisfying my housing, further education, and medical needs with the award," said the detachment commander in the 1st Commando Battalion. 2LT Ong will be reading Mathematics and Economics at the Nanyang Technological University in 2011.
Three milestones
Servicemen will receive awards at three milestones during their National Service (NS).
Milestone 1
- Operationally Ready Date
Milestone 2
- Completion of 3 high-key In-Camp Training (ICT) or Completion of 5 ICT (of which 2 are high-key ICT)
(whichever is earlier)
Milestone 3
- End of Operationally Ready NS training cycle
*Commanders (3SG & above) get $3,500 at each milestone.