10 Sep 2009 | TECHNOLOGY


STORY // Ong Hong Tat
PHOTO // Desmond Wong

Where general-purpose troop transports stop is where Infantry Carrier Vehicles begin, and the Terrex AV81 is one of the latest to join the ranks of these fortified vehicles.

When tanks made their first appearance during World War I, the problem of troops being unable to keep up with tanks surfaced. Heavy enemy fire prevented infantry troops from advancing at a similar speed.

Enter the Infantry Carrier Vehicle - armoured vehicles dedicated to troop transportation - to the rescue in 1918. Since the British Mark IX troop carrier tanks tore through enemy ranks during World World I, these vehicles have since evolved in sophistication.

Today, as with the likes of the Terrex AV81, they boast comfortable seating, enhanced protection and advanced capabilities and have become an integral part of armoured forces.

No terrain too rough

Developed indigenously by Singapore Technologies (ST) Kinetics, the 8x8 wheeled Terrex AV81 handles all terrain with ease, be it trenches, water or steep gradients.

This high mobility is made possible by its double-wishbone suspension, a technology commonly found in passenger cars. Modified for high levels of rugged use, this independent suspension system found on the Terrex AV81 is a class above consumer automotive suspensions as it ensures maximum ride comfort regardless of the terrain.

The Terrex AV81 is also fitted with an in-built Central Tyre Inflating System (CTIS), which uses high-powered air pumps to inflate or deflate tyres according to driving conditions. Adjustments can be made on the move and the CTIS can also be activated to continuously fill the tyres with air to cope with small punctures, until conditions permit a tyre change.

With eight large off-road tyres, the Terrex AV81 can traverse soft ground with ease.

This is because off-road tyres feature aggressive tread patterns that appear as knobs on the tyre surface, giving the vehicle significant "bite" to contend with undulating terrain.

The Terrex AV81 has hydrojets mounted on both side of its hull which allow it to overcome various obstacles.

Armed to protect

The modular design of the Terrex AV81 means its top deck can be changed as needed. Possible top decks include one with remote-controlled weapons stations, a 40mm automatic grenade launcher and a 7.62mm coaxial machine gun.

Should heavier fire-power be required, a complete stabilised turret armed with a 25mm cannon and 7.62mm machine gun can be mounted on the vehicle. Additional 7.62mm machine guns can be attached at the rear.

Besides its basic armour, the Terrex AV81 can be fitted with a fully active or passive add-on armour suite that greatly enhances the troop carrier's effectiveness against typical threats.

Coupled with a V-shaped hull design, the Terrex AV81 is hardy enough to even withstand mine blasts. A self-regulating atmospheric system protects its occupants from nuclear, biological and chemical attacks.

Rated to carry up to 9.5 tonnes of load, the Terrex AV81s can be fitted with additional armour without sacrificing cargo-carrying abilities.

Multi-mission set-ups

With a voluminous 12 sq m interior, Terrex AV81s may be set up for different uses. In its basic form, it functions as a troop carrier, which can hold 11 to 13 men including the driver and vehicle commander. Troops can be side-seated or centre-seated.

Other options include outfitting the Terrex AV81 as a command and control vehicle with a full communications suite on board; as a recovery vehicle designed to locate casualties or replace disabled equipment; or as a mortar platform to provide immediate indirect fire support for fast-paced offensive operations.

The Turkish variant, called the Yavuz, was developed by Turkish firm Otokar according to the requirements of the Turkish land forces.

Top Speed: 110kmh
Turning Radius: 8m

Manufacturer: Caterpillar
Type: 4-stroke diesel turbocharged

Width: 2.7m
Height: 2.1m

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