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18 Apr 2012 | COMMUNITY


STORY // Rachael Lim
PHOTO // Benjamin Lee

Besides keeping Singapore safe 24/7, servicemen from the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) dedicate a portion of their time to looking out for the under-privileged. Through the SAF Home Adoption Scheme, units adopt homes with the aim of instilling social responsibility in servicemen.

It was 11 o'clock in the morning of 8 Feb and the 100 servicemen and women from the Republic of Singapore Navy's (RSN's) 185 Squadron (SQN) were on a mission - not in their frigates and out at sea but at Labrador Park.

Their goal? To interact and spend time with the 140 residents of their adopted home, the Lorong Napiri branch of the Movement for the Intellectually Disabled of Singapore (MINDSville@Napiri).

Helping hand

Such missions began as far back as 1967, before the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility became fashionable. The SAF Home Adoption Scheme - one of the ways the SAF gives back to the community in addition to fund-raising by servicemen through the Army Half Marathon, Singapore Biathlon, President's Challenge and Community Chest - inculcates a sense of social responsibility and enhances the spirit of caring and sharing among soldiers.

This spirit has certainly caught on. From 34 homes in 1986, the SAF now serves the community in 58 homes, which include homes for the disabled, the elderly and orphanages.

Depending on the size of the group and the needs of the homes, SAF personnel contribute in a variety of ways. For example, a group of 40 servicemen from the Republic of Singapore Air Force's Air Force Training Command visit the Singapore Cheshire Home every month to help with maintenance and repair works. Others, like Headquarters Medical Corps, help to raise funds for the Dover Park Hospice, while the Army's Commandos invite the elderly residents from St John's Home For Elderly Persons to visit their unit during festive seasons like Chinese New Year and Deepavali.

Joining hands

Yet others, like 185 SQN, choose to take residents from their adopted home for an outing to places of interest such as Labrador Park.

The collaboration between 185 SQN and MINDSville@Napiri started about six years ago. From simple activities like going to the centres to help with general housekeeping and cleaning to accompanying residents to parks for activities and games, the working relationship between the two organisations has deepened through the years.

Said the unit's operations officer, Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) Tung Kong Seng: "It's certainly a useful cause, given that in the business of our daily work, we tend to forget that there are many different segments in society, in particular, the less privileged."

"Military defence can be seen quite easily, but social defence is something that may not be that apparent to most people. Through an activity like this, I hope that it reinforces the message of social defence, that the staff and crew in our squadron understand the need to look out for one another," added LTC Tung, who was referring to two of the five pillars of Total Defence.

Protecting Singaporeans

However, being an operational squadron means that the unit sails very often, which makes it a challenging task to find a suitable time for both unit and adopted home to meet.

This is why the outing was particularly memorable for Military Expert (ME) 1 Cassandra See, a marine systems expert with RSS Supreme, who was glad to have the opportunity to give back to the community.

The 23-year-old said: "I'll definitely do it again. Due to work commitments, I don't really have much time to do voluntary work, so being able to engage in such events during work days is very good."

Friendships were quickly forged as both residents and service personnel took to one another easily. From holding hands in a show of friendship during the tour of Labrador Park, to helping residents with their lunch, and later, combining efforts to try to win in a game of tug-of-war, it was clear that the residents enjoyed their day out with 185 SQN.

"On a scale of one to 10, I'm ready to score them eight or nine. (The personnel from 185 SQN) are very good. Even the young ones and the new ones... they are learning and are doing pretty well. (The residents) are very comfortable with them," affirmed Mr Mike Koh, head of MINDSville@Napiri.

To ME4 Ng Soon Chye, who helped organise the half-day outing, the willingness of service personnel from 185 SQN in stepping up to volunteer for this event was a great encouragement. For the coxswain of 185 SQN, the engagement with the unit's adopted home was useful in helping sailors from the squadron better understand the importance of serving the community.

The 47-year-old said: "In their daily lives, they may not have many opportunities like this, so these activities give them a chance to... interact and show care and concern for the under-privileged."

Reflecting on his experience with the residents, ME1 Derek Yue, a communications specialist with RSS Intrepid, said the event not only helped build cohesion and unity among his squadron mates, it also helped him see that the residents were not too different from him, apart from needing more care and concern.

Like the other volunteers, he accompanied the residents on the park tour, brought them food and drinks, and took part in games and arts and crafts together with them. When asked to describe what he had done in the morning, the 25-year-old simply said: "I'm just serving the community."

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