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21 Mar 2016 | PEOPLE


STORY // Benita Teo

PHOTO // PIONEER Photographers & Courtesy of Centre for Heritage Services


"It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped," said the late American senator Robert F. Kennedy.

Likewise, the history of the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) has been shaped by the acts of those who displayed remarkable bravery and selflessness by risking their lives to protect another's.

In recognition of these acts of valour, the SAF instituted the SAF Medal for Distinguished Acts (Military). Gazetted on 25 Jun 1997, the Medal is a State award presented to an individual who has performed an act or a series of acts of courage in hazardous circumstances without regard for personal safety.

Take a trip down memory lane and remember some of these heroes of the SAF.


CPT (NS) Kok Yin Khong

CPT (NS) Kok (right) receiving his Medal from then-Defence Minister Dr Tony Tan.

In 1997, Captain (CPT) (NS) Kok, then an insurance agent, volunteered to join the United Nations (UN) Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission to monitor a demilitarised zone along the boundary of Iraq, Kuwait and the Khawr' Abd Allah waterway. On the night of 20 Nov, his Patrol Observation Base was attacked by armed men who opened fire and wounded a military observer. Risking his life, CPT (NS) Kok approached and administered first aid to his team mate before calling headquarters for help. He was recognised for his courage with the Medal on 30 May 1998.


LTC Lo Yong Po

LTC Lo (second from right) in peace talks with faction leaders.

Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) Lo was appointed Singapore's first Military Advisor to the UN Special Mission in Afghanistan in 1997. When conflicts escalated in the city of Mazar-i-Sharif, several UN staff members had to be evacuated.

LTC Lo opted to stay behind with the Duty Field Security Officer (DFSO) to continue to be a link to the UN headquarters and as a symbol of hope to the locals. Finally, after three weeks in Mazar and three failed heli-evacuation attempts, both LTC Lo and the DFSO safely escaped to Islamabad.

LTC Lo was awarded the Medal, as well as the SAF Overseas Service Medal (Bronze), on 30 May 1998.


2LT Kok Khew Fai

2LT Kok (left) was awarded the Medal for protecting a recruit from an exploding grenade.

2nd Lieutenant (2LT) Kok was overseeing a hand grenade exercise at the Basic Military Training Centre (BMTC) as the Bay Safety Officer when a recruit dropped a grenade about 4m behind them after pulling its pin. 2LT Kok pushed the recruit onto the ground and lay prone atop him to shield him from the exploding grenade. Luckily, the throwing bay's walls protected them from the shrapnel.

For his selflessness and quick-thinking, 2LT Kok was presented the Medal on 14 Sep 2008.


2LT Kamalasivam s/o Shanmuganathan

Defence Minister Dr Ng Eng Hen presenting 2LT Kamalasivam with the Medal.

The recruit that BMTC Platoon Commander 2LT Kamalasivam was training was supposed to throw his hand grenade, but he panicked and froze. When he regained his composure, he tossed the grenade upwards instead of forwards.

2LT Kamalasivam pulled the recruit down into the throwing bay and lay on top of him, just in time to shield him from the grenade that exploded mid-air, barely 5m away. Both escaped with minor injuries. For his act of valour, 2LT Kamalasivam received the Medal on 1 Jul 2013.

Did you know?

  • The Medal can be awarded posthumously.
  • Repeat Medal recipients will be represented with a Bar that is attached to the ribbon of the medal and inscribed with the date of the new award. There is no limit to the number of Bars that can be received.


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