Types of NSmen you’ll meet during ICT

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Types of NSmen you’ll meet during ICT
30 Jul 2024 | COMMUNITY

Types of NSmen you’ll meet during ICT

//Story by Teo Jing Ting /Graphics by Lawrence Chiam & Ng Zijian

The opportunist or salesman. The one who’s always changing jobs. The NSman who seems to gain a few kilos each year. Who’s your NS kaki?

Ah, In-Camp Training (ICT).

For many NSmen (Operationally Ready National Servicemen), it’s like an annual gathering of old boys who just want to get away from the realities of life, work and family, and get all boisterous amid military training.

It’s also a time of catching up – to see who’s gotten bigger, what’s changed in their lives, or just simply reminisce about the good ol’ days.

1) The family man

This dude really loves kids. So much so that he seems to have an addition to his family almost every year. When he’s on ICT, his wife is either currently pregnant or just gave birth.

You admire his stamina (to look after the kids lah! What you all thinking?) and wonder how he covers his family expenses. He talks about his kids all the time and shows everyone their photos.

When you ask him if he wants more children, he readily says “yes”. One thing’s for sure – this guy should be given an award for boosting Singapore’s population! 

2) The one with the biggest body change

For every NSman who has gotten fitter, there is another whose body is getting rounder.

Regardless of which one you meet, the first thing you say to them is “Wah, what happen to you sia?”

The fit one will eagerly share his training regime, while the rounder one will probably laugh off his weight gain and proudly pat his tummy (but secretly make a mental note to lose his weight by the next ICT. Or not).

3) The one who always has a sob story

This guy will turn up to in-pro on the first day, but tells everyone that his grandmother/grandfather/insert-relative-of-choice is very sick and he needs to take urgent off or leave to visit them.

Given his family’s tragic propensity for health problems, maybe he should talk more with the next guy in this list.

4) The opportunist

He’s probably the friendliest of the lot, greeting everyone like a long-lost friend.

He’ll be concerned about your life, asking you about the latest updates. Then subtly or not-so subtly, he’ll let slip his job and explain how he can help you in one way or another.

Not hard to guess that he’s in one of these fields – insurance, property, investments or even photography (family/birthday/wedding shoots, anyone?). 

5) The sleeper

You’ll find him dozing off whenever there’s a lull period. While others are at the canteen snacking away or talking during breaks, he’ll be snoring.

That’s the only time he can catch up on all the sleep he needs, poor dude. 

6) The job-hopper

For as long as you’ve known him, he has never stayed long in one job. In fact, he’s usually just quit or started in a new job whenever you meet him.

You feel like you need to spend your ICT catching up on his job escapades because he’s probably going to be in a different one the next time you meet him. 

7) The newbie

In every ICT, there’s almost always one or two new faces.

This fella probably got lost in the National Service (NS) system or deferred so often that, by the time he returns for ICT, he is a good five to 10 years older than his ICT mates.

When you see this guy, talk to him and give chance lah. He’s probably in need of a friend. 

8) The one who never wants to leave

He’s most likely the highest ranking officer or encik in the unit, and also one of the oldest and longest-serving NSmen around.

This man has tons of experience and enjoys contributing and doing his part for the nation. Imparting his knowledge and experience to his younger counterparts makes him happy.

A strong advocate of NS, he is willing to stay on as long as he can, and even encourages others to do the same.

It’s a good thing though – we need more people like him to positively impact the next generation! 

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