27 May 2024 | PEOPLE


Meet two of the President's right-hand-men and -women – CPT (Dr) (NS) Arjunan and CPT Christabel Chai.

An unusual and interesting photograph takes pride of place in Captain (CPT) (Dr) (NS) Arjunan Muthu Kumaran's clinic: him smartly clad in uniform, standing next to former president Halimah Yacob at the Istana.

The picture often draws excited stares and questions from his patients. It was taken last year when he was appointed as an Honorary Aide-de-Camp (HADC) to Madam Halimah.

It is a role he will be taking on for the second year running, this time serving President Tharman Shanmugaratnam.

CPT (Dr) (NS) Arjunan receiving his certificate of appointment from President Tharman at the ADC Appointment Ceremony & Appreciation Function on 27 May.
CPT (Dr) (NS) Arjunan's photo with Madam Halimah takes pride of place in his clinic, one of the four he manages. Next to it is a newspaper article from when he provided emergency treatment to a worker who was injured while carrying out renovations at a nearby shop.

Serving with passion

CPT (Dr) (NS) Arjunan, 33, is one of the few Operationally Ready National Servicemen (NSmen) in the 103-strong HADC team.

Together with four full-time Aides-de-Camp, the HADCs assist the President and accompany him or her at various State functions or ceremonies. They coordinate, plan, and carry out the President's events in Singapore and overseas, and ensure that both local and internationally accepted protocol practices are observed.

How does he juggle his national duties along with managing four clinics as a family physician? His answer is simple: "Like the other NSman HADCs I've met, it's passion and a keenness to serve."

As a Medical Officer in the RSN's Medical Flotilla, CPT (Dr) (NS) Arjunan (far right) has participated in numerous naval exercises, including the Rim of the Pacific Exercise in 2018 as an NSF (above) and Exercise Trident in 2022 (below).

He stepped forward to volunteer after hearing about the HADC's role from his superior in the Republic of Singapore Navy's (RSN's) Shipboard Surgical Squadron, where he serves as a Medical Officer.

This was a way of showing his gratitude for the positive experiences he had as an NSF (Full-time National Serviceman), explained CPT (Dr) (NS) Arjunan.

A flexible clinic schedule and helpful colleagues have also helped him to fulfil his HADC duties. "Some of our doctors are NSmen themselves, so they understand that we need to support and cover for each other during In-camp Training too," he added.

Some of his patients are RSN NSmen too, and the photo of him in uniform with Madam Halimah often becomes a conversation starter.

"They will ask me if I know people from their units and how they are doing. Sometimes, the grandmas will point out the photo to their grandkids, who are always excited to see it," he said with a laugh.

CPT Chai receiving her certificate of appointment from President Tharman at the ADC Appointment Ceremony & Appreciation Function. This will be her third term as HADC.

A meeting of minds

Like CPT (Dr) (NS) Arjunan, CPT Christabel Chai was eager to take on the role of an HADC.

"The chance to contribute to Singapore's legacy and support the President in meaningful ways was a strong motivator for me," said the 28-year-old Air Warfare Officer (Air Battle Management) or AWO (ABM).

"I've had great experiences over the past years as a HADC and the sense of fulfilment inspired me to take up the role again for the third year running."

As an AWO (ABM), CPT Chai (seated) works with different aircraft to respond to situations in the skies and keep Singapore's airspace safe.
At the Republic of Singapore Air Force's (RSAF's) 200 Squadron (SQN), she works with many different aircraft such as the F-16 and F-15SG fighter jets as well as Gulfstream 550 Airborne Early Warning Aircraft, coordinating and deploying the appropriate aircraft to protect and provide round-the-clock surveillance of Singapore's skies.
CPT Chai at the RSAF Open House in 2023.

Like her role in 200 SQN, she was drawn to the experience of working with fellow HADCs from different walks of life.

"We have people from the different Services in the Singapore Armed Forces and Home Team, as well as NSmen from various industries. During discussions, they all bring different perspectives to the table. It's been an enriching experience for me to learn from all of them and their diverse skills," she explained.

CPT Chai and CPT (Dr) (NS) Arjunan were both part of the team that organised the National Awards Investiture on 29 Oct 2023 – the former as an emcee and the latter providing mobility assistance to award recipients.

The Dream Team

In his past year as a HADC, CPT (Dr) (NS) Arjunan has taken on a variety of roles, such as accompanying the President during visits with foreign dignitaries.

One of the largest events he has been involved in was the National Awards Investiture (NAI) last October, where he provided mobility assistance to award recipients.

"I was wowed by the work going on behind the scenes, especially how much thought went into planning and making sure recipients with mobility issues would be seated at the front and have a smooth path onto the stage to receive their awards."

CPT Chai (front row, fourth from left) with her fellow RSAF HADCs.
CPT Chai (second from right) with defence minister Dr Ng Eng Hen (third from right) and former Chief of Defence Force Lieutenant-General Melvyn Ong (far left), as well as fellow HADCs at a rehearsal for National Day Parade 2022.

Thank you, Madam President

Both CPT Chai and CPT (Dr) (NS) Arjunan agree that it is a rare opportunity to serve different presidents and be able to witness the change in Presidency.

"Serving two different presidents has been an enriching experience, allowing me to witness different leadership styles and contribute to their distinct visions for Singapore," said CPT Chai.

She recalls her time with Madam Halimah fondly, especially when the former president would drop by at their meetings in the Istana and chat with them.

"It's already an honour to serve the president, but when they make the effort to show that they appreciate you, it really makes all our hard work and sacrifices worth it."

CPT (Dr) (NS) Arjunan (second from right) was one of four NSmen who were newly appointed as HADCs last year.

CPT (Dr) (NS) Arjunan remembers Madam Halimah for her personable, down-to-earth personality, and her dedication to towards building a more inclusive Singapore.

"At my appointment ceremony, the first thing she said to me was, 'Are you really a doctor?' because there aren't many of us among the HADCs! We had a good laugh after that!" he recounted.

Inspiring new HADCs

CPT Chai and CPT (Dr) (NS) Arjunan are grateful to their loved ones for their support in their HADC journeys.

CPT Chai, who just got married over the weekend, thanked her husband for readily agreeing to drive her home after they checked out from their hotel, pick up her uniform, and then head straight to the Istana for her appointment ceremony!

Her parents also always make sure to save dinner for her whenever she has late-night events at the Istana.

CPT (Dr) (NS) Arjunan (right) with his father at his ADC Appointment Ceremony in 2023.

As for CPT (Dr) (NS) Arjunan, he made his father the happiest man when he invited him to attend his appointment ceremony last year. "My dad told me he was very proud of me."

His friends also keep a keen eye out for him whenever they see the President's events on television or social media.

CPT Chai hopes to be a good example for other women to step forward to lead and serve.

CPT Chai hopes that she can inspire more women to step forward. "When we show that we can take on roles like these and excel in them, we become good examples and role models for future generations of women.

"It's important to have representation, and I hope to encourage more women to take on the role. It's challenging but very rewarding."

"Don't be intimidated by the requirements, like having to interact with the President and foreign dignitaries," CPT (Dr) (NS) Arjunan added.

"The team is very welcoming and nurturing, and will teach you everything you need to do the job well."

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