Mr Lawrence Wong's first visit to BMTC as Prime Minister

Mr Lawrence Wong's first visit to BMTC as Prime Minister
27 Aug 2024 | OPS & TRAINING

Mr Lawrence Wong's first visit to BMTC as Prime Minister

He joined two companies of recruits in a run, and took part in a strength conditioning exercise and a SAR 21 technical handling training session.
//Story by Nicole Yong //Photos by Kenneth Lin
Mr Wong (in black tee and shorts) joined recruits and trainers in a 1.8km run.

From far, Prime Minister Lawrence Wong cut a striking figure in black as he kept pace with recruits from the Basic Military Training Centre (BMTC) in a 1.8km run.

This was part of his first visit to BMTC in his capacity as Prime Minister on 27 Aug.

Following the run, Mr Wong also joined them in carrying out the Singapore Armed Forces’ (SAF’s) “4 for Core” exercises to strengthen the core muscles. 

A 24-Man Ceremonial Welcome Guard was accorded for Mr Wong’s first visit as Prime Minister to Pulau Tekong.
Mr Wong participating in strength exercises together with the recruits. 

Observing life as a soldier

At the BMTC Lobby, Mr Wong viewed exhibits featuring fitness wearables. These were made with technology to enhance the safety of soldiers during training.

He also participated in a Singapore Assault Rifle (SAR) 21 technical handling training session.

Mr Wong (in red shirt) engaging with BMTC trainers to find out more about the NS experience as well as how the soldiers are finding their training and adjusting to military life.
Mr Wong taking part in the SAR 21 technical handling session.

Fighting fitter and better

Speaking to the media in a doorstop interview at the end of the visit, Mr Wong said that it was good to be back in BMTC as it brought back memories of him being a recruit more than 30 years ago.

From receiving updates on BMT, National Service (NS) training and meeting a new generation of Full-time National Servicemen (NSFs) during his visit, Mr Wong was glad that he could see the recruits’ conviction to serve.

“You can see and sense that strong sense of conviction in all of them…that they are prepared to step forward, to train hard and to do their part now to defend Singapore and to keep Singapore safe.”

Mr Wong engaging the recruits at BMTC.

Mr Wong was also heartened to see how SAF training has evolved over the years through the use of more science-based technologies and solutions to support solders in their training.

“It's a lot more methodical and systematic, and we do not compromise training standards… We also continue to uphold safety of soldiers, which is very important,” said Mr Wong.

“I'm glad to see that the new methods, with new technologies (and) new solutions, have led to better outcomes. The soldiers are able to get fitter, and they are able to contribute as part of an effective fighting force, and they are really becoming…better versions of themselves through national service.”

Noting that NS is the backbone of Singapore’s security and defence, he added that he hopes all Singaporeans will continue to support NS and national servicemen.

“(The SAF) is the most important insurance policy for Singapore, because this is what enables us to safeguard our peace and stability.”

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